Work Streams of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council


Work Streams Lead Agency Supporting Agencies Action Items
Economic Development Department of Commerce Small Business Administration; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Department of Agriculture; Treasury Department; Department of Transportation; Department of Health and Human Services; Council on Environmental Quality; Environmental Protection Agency Leverage federal grants and loans in a more integrated way to develop dilapidated properties and provide basic infrastructure and financial tools to attract private investment.
Entrepreneurship Small Business Administration Department of Commerce; Department of Energy; Department of Agriculture; Department of the Interior; Department of Veterans Affairs Leverage government lending and grants to stimulate access to private capital, and promote programs that assist entrepreneurs.
Safe Neighborhoods Department of Justice Department of Health and Human Services; Environmental Protection Agency; Department of the Interior Combat drug addiction and the opioid crisis, reduce crime/enhance public safety, and address environmental contamination obstacles to development.
Education and Workforce Development Departments of Education and Labor (co-leads) Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce; Department of Energy; Department of Veterans Affairs Improve the efficacy of K-12 and community college career and technical education and workforce development programs to better prepare workers in distressed communities for jobs.
Measurement Council of Economic Advisers Treasury Department; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Department of Commerce Develop robust reporting and analytics to measure impact of Opportunity Zones.